- C-FAIR恭祝虎年大吉! [2022-01-31]
- 2022年人工智能国际联合研究院博士研究生招生考试成绩公示——人工智能(0835J1)、人工智能(085410) [2022-01-14]
- 2022年人工智能国际联合研究院博士研究生招生考试名单公示 ——人工智能(专业代码:0835J1)、人工智能(专业代码:085410) [2022-01-09]
- 强院兴校 特软启航-诚邀海内外青年才俊参加2021年山东大学齐鲁青年论坛-大型工业软件分论坛 [2021-08-24]
- C-FAIR Young Talent Forum - AAAI 2021 Pre-Talk [2020-12-28]
- Shandong company won international AI award [2020-02-18]
- C-FAIR held the 2020 presidents' joint meeting [2020-01-07]
- Singapore, Shandong deepen cooperation, sign 11 MOUs [2019-11-07]
- Singapore, Shandong to boost collaboration in various areas [2019-11-04]
- Liming Fan attends the meeting of Singapore- Shandong Business Council (SSBC) and signs the first Quartet cooperation project of C-FAIR. [2019-11-04]